Category Archives: Saltwater Topics

Saltwater Topics covers Marine Fish and Invertebrate Compatibility, filtration and equipment, feeding and marine aquarium fish diseases as well as zoonotic illnesses transferred from fish to fishkeeper and much more…

Clowns in Anemone

Coral Reefs An Endangered Ecosystem

Coral reefs are among the world's most fragile and endangered ecosystems. They host an extraordinary variety of marine plants and animals and are one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. They are a significant source of food to low-income coastal communities, a source of income and employment through tourism and marine recreation,…
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Fishing With Cyanide – Coral Reef Genocide

Cyanide Fishing Destroys Coral Reefs Cyanide, one of the most toxic poisons known, is being used to catch live fish in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. Fishermen stun fish by squirting cyanide into the reef areas where these fish seek refuge. They then rip apart the reefs with crowbars to capture disoriented fish in…
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World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides objective, scientifically rigorous and focused information on global biodiversity and the sustainable use of the world's living resources. Since 1993, UNEP-WCMC has been developing the most detailed global map of coral reefs. This information represents a critical part of the increasing information base now available describing coral reefs world-wide. (more…)
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Marine Fish and Invertebrate Compatibility

Fish/Fish Compatibility Fish/fish compatibility is a perennial problem that affects all marine fishkeepers, beginners and advanced alike. The successful display of livestock depends on one main factor - advance planning. There are a good many fish that are incompatible with each other and it is vitally important that these are identified early in the life…
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